Friday, November 21, 2008


I'm hungry...

Reading your blogs about fancy Indonesian food whilst contemplating whether or not I should go to some ABC (Aust. Born Chinese) style BBQ? Dayuumm... contrast that! -_-"

- H <3 E

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Heavy rain as of now... anything symbolic?

-H <3 E

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Temporarily single?

It sure is boring when my wife isn't around... Its only been a few hours since you left and already I'm stuck at home missing you heaps :S

Do have a great time and be safe. Remember to tell me everything about your holiday and by the way I got 2 $10 123 Asia calling cards since Fajar was closed :O The store next to it had $10 at 20% at the same price if I had got the $30 at Fajar :S

Anyways tell me about the flight as soon as you get this message :)

-H <3 E

Setting up the blog for my hunni

12.24AM as of the time of writing. Forced by my wife, Erica to set up this "blog website" as a way for her to contact me and know more about what I'm up to O.o

Still trying to get used to it and it's features, rather confusing actually :S

- H <3 E